Part of our mission at PC3 is to "equip and encourage parents to help your family walk with God.” We all want to be the best parent we can be in every phase of our kids’ lives. For a lot of what we do, we are leaning into some great research from We’ve started two phase groups and two more will be starting in the fall.
Check out more info below.

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Parents of Preschoolers

We all know that the early years of parenting bring a lot of changes to your life; a crazy schedule, no sleep, fatigue, joy, frustration… you name it and you feel it. It seems as if no one in your world knows how you feel or how to help. Well, we’d like to try. The PC3 Parent Network would like to invite you to join other moms and dads in our Parent Network Phase One Mom’s Group or Phase One Dad’s Groups. These groups are open to Moms and Dads who are expecting to parents of 5 year old's seeking community and support!

Childcare is provided. We pay a background checked babysitter for the hour and a half to watch any children ages 2 to 8. Babies to 2 year olds will attend the meeting with you. Toys are provided to engage the kids while you have a chance to get to meet other moms.

Click here to sign up for the Monday night mom’s group.
Click here to sign up for the Tuesday morning mom’s group.
Click here to sign up for the Monday night dad’s group.

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Parents of Elementary Schoolers

During the elementary school years things get busier, the questions get a little harder, and life starts to get more complicated. As parents we need help in a whole new way. The PC3 Parent Network would like to invite you to join other moms and dads in our Parent Network Phase Two Mom’s Group or Phase Two Dad’s Groups. These groups are open to Moms and Dads who are expecting to parents of elementary school kids.

Childcare is provided for younger kids. We pay a background checked babysitter for the hour and a half to watch any children ages 2 to 8. Toys are provided to engage the kids while you have a chance to get to meet other moms.

Click here to sign up for the Monday night mom’s group.
Click here to sign up for the Tuesday morning mom’s group.
Click here to sign up for the Monday night dad’s group.

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Parents of Middle Schoolers

Parenting middle schoolers can have a unique set of challenges. How do we navigate hormones and attitudes, school and sexuality? There’s a lot going on in our kids, and in us as parents.

If you have middle schoolers, you are invited to join us for the “Phase 3 Parent Group” where parents of 6th– 8th graders will get together to encourage and help each other as we navigate this season of life. The group will meet monthly during Tsunami on Wednesday nights starting at 6:30 pm. Each meeting we’ll have a short “presentation” to open up the conversation and then we’ll talk together.

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, February 5th.

Click here to register online or just join us if you can.

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Parents of High Schoolers

Parents of high school aged children. Build a community of parents while your children are in Ripple Effect. This group will start in the fall of 2020.

Click here to join the group.